Tuesday, 19 May 2020


There comes a point in every English graduate’s life when they realise that reality is unlike any books that they’ve read (unless they are reading tragedies).

Of course, there are bills to pay, hours to commute and social ladders to climb. But when three good friends come together for a round of a birthday celebration but with not much to celebrate - we just have to stop and think, “Is this it?”

So, consider this our personal revolution. We want to repaint our lives that has gone grayscale since we entered this so-called ‘real’ world. No riots, no Tea Parties, we want to share this with you with our stories, drabbles and poems.

Who are we?

Aqilah AU
Knowing her mind is a curse.

A professional percussionist living on the coast of South China Sea with her collections of fabrics and radical books. The royalty from her debut play ‘Raquel’s Catharsis’ is invested on mangosteen breed research and ‘Save The Seahorses’ campaigns. At sunrise, she can be found on the beach singing and dancing with seagulls with her tambourine. She is tone deaf.


Wait, am I leaving before dark?

Too normal to quit; the typical KL motorist who gets stuck in a jam for at least three hours a day while jamming shamelessly to mainstream pop songs most hipsters would hurl themselves into a nearby ditch over. Currently in a parasocial relationship with aesthetic pleasures. Note: Very susceptible to free food.

Atikah likes to write about death.

A pen-pusher by day, a writer by night. Her aspirations are less noble than Batman’s, for sure, but she would rather lead a double life that does not ultimately kill her. Proudly carnivorous. Maybe has a fascination for bodily organs. This bio is not heading where it’s supposed to be. So is her life.


  1. Greetings! It was good to meet Meems today at the Asian Festival of Children's Content. This blog is steeped in atmosphere and shades of dark and light - lovely! I wish you well

    1. Hey Candy! Meems here, a little delayed because of the lack of Wifi. Thank you! I enjoyed your talk and am excited to learn more from your works :)
